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Chromebook 1:1 Program

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1:1 Chromebook Program

The Andes Central School District’s 1:1 Program starts in seventh grade. Students are issued a Chromebook which can be used for schoolwork, educational research, and college prep, during their time at ACS.

Please note that all ACS students are issued a Chromebook when they enter school, but only students in grades 7-12 have the privilege of using their device outside of school during the school year. Chromebooks issued for PK-6 students are kept in classroom carts, unless they must be sent home due to extenuating circumstances.

This program is for all junior-senior high students and the district-owned Chromebook stays with students throughout their entire student career at ACS, excluding summers.

Before a student can take home their assigned device, the 1:1 Student Agreement Permission Form needs to be read over and signed and returned to the Main Office.

Students are encouraged to use the devices for all classes (teacher permitting) and for schoolwork. They are filtered both in and out of school, with the district’s content filter. The devices should only be used for academic educational purposes per the District’s "Acceptable Use Policy". Students are liable for any and all damages or missing pieces to their devices. These would include the actual device, power supply, case, and all stickers and notices on the device (students are not allowed to place their own stickers or permanent items on the devices or cases). Devices should be returned in the same condition that they were given, with acceptable/reasonable wear being permitted.