Andes Central School during the month of December '13
National Honor Society is still collecting used ink cartridges and old cell phones in the main lobby of Andes Central School and Mrs. Whittaker's room. Please donate your ink cartridges to the National Honor Society to be sent in for a cash refund to pay for future LEAD Conferences, community service projects, and other National Honor Society business.
Selection Procedures
Andes Central School Selection Procedures for National Honor Society
Andes Central School National Honor Society follows the Recommended Selection Procedure that appears in a more substantial version in the national handbooks for NHS. Then National Office allows for flexibility in the selection process, and the ACS NHS uses that flexibility in our tapping ceremony during our Induction Ceremony. This ceremony is not contrary to the guidelines of the NHS selection process.
Below is the Andes Central School National Honor Society Selection Procedure as determined by the Faculty Council (the five-member selection committee facilitated by the chapter advisor who sits as the sixth, non-voting member of the group), approved by the principal:
- Students’ academic records are reviewed to determine those persons who are scholastically eligible for membership, i.e., those persons who meet the required cumulative GPA standard (85% with no rounding), and are members of the sophomore, junior and senior classes. This GPA is the same as the national minimum standard outlined in the national constitution, and, is applied fairly and consistently to all candidates. Candidates must have been attendance at Andes Central School the equivalent of one semester.
- Students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., “candidates”) are formally notified by letter and informed that for further consideration for selection to the chapter they are required to complete the Student Activity Form. This form outlines the candidate’s accomplishments in the areas of Service and Leadership. The form is sent to them with the letter. The chapter will offer “help session” for candidates to provide assistance in properly filling out the candidate forms, and writing a professional letter to the Faculty Council expressing interest in applying for membership in the National Honor Society. The Faculty Council will then review the candidates’ applications and make their selections for interviews.
- Additional faculty input is solicited, and the faculty members are invited to make comments on candidates, using a Faculty Evaluation Form. This information is reported to the Faculty Council and added to their information when considering selections.
- The Student Activity Form is reviewed by the Faculty Council, along with any other verifiable information about the candidates relevant to their consideration for membership. The Faculty Council interviews each candidate personally, and the leadership, service and character of allcandidates are reviewed carefully. Faculty Council members deliberate in order to guarantee that their decisions are based on accurate and complete understanding of all information presented for review. With the vote on each candidate, those candidates receiving a majority vote of the faculty council are invited for induction into the chapter.
- Prior to notification of any candidates, the chapter advisor is required to report to the principal the results of the Faculty Council’s deliberations for approval. Lists of the selected and non-selected students, as well as reasons for non-selection are incorporated into this meeting. This assures the support of the administration prior to any notification.
- A formal letter of acceptance is sent to all selected candidates in care of their parents to inform them in writing about the selection and the timing of the induction ceremony. Selected students are not be notifieduntil the actual “tapping” ceremony at induction. All candidates indentified and listed as “not selected” (i.e. those who do not receive the majority vote of the Faculty Council) will receive a formal letter from the NHS advisor with an explanation of criteria not met by the individual candidate.
- Parents will receive a formal invitation to the Induction Ceremony and Reception (to be held during school hours) and asked to make sure the students are dressed in appropriate semi-formal (business casual) attire.